


CoverAristotle on the Common Sense , (Oxford Aristotle Studies), Clarendon Press, Oxford , 2007 [Cloth] [link to catalogue] [Paperback] [link to catalogue]
[review in BMCR (D. Modrak)] , [link to review in Greece and Rome (G. Boys-Stones)] , [link to review in Phronesis (B. Morison)] , [link to review in British Journal for the History of Philosophy (J-L. Hudry)], [link to review in Philosophiegeschichte und logische Analyse (S. Herzberg)], [link to review in Rhizai (H. Lorenz)], [link to review in Mind (T. K. Johansen)], [review in Ancient Philosophy (S. D. Kirkland)], [link to review in Classical Review (J. Whiting)]

Edited volumes


Pavel Gregorić and Martino Rossi Monti (eds.), Renaissance Aristotelianism in Southeast Europe: Metaphysics, Scholarship, and Interactions with Platonism, Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2025 [link]


Šime Demo and Pavel Gregorić (eds.), Nicolaus Viti Gozzius: Breve compendium in duo prima capita tertii De anima Aristotelis. A Critical Edition with Introduction and Indices , Brepols, Turnhout, 2024 [link]


Gorana Stepanić and Pavel Gregorić (eds.), Nicolaus Viti Gozzius: In Primum Librum Artis rhetoricorum Aristotelis Commentaria. Uses of Aristotle’s Rhetoric in the Late Renaissance, Brill, Leiden, 2023 [link]

Pavel Gregoric and Jakob Leth Fink (eds.),Encounters
Encounters with Aristotelian Philosophy of Mind,
Routledge, London – New York, 2021 [link]

Pavel Gregoric and George Karamanolis (eds.),
Pseudo-Aristotle: De Mundo (On the Cosmos). A Commentary, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020.
[link to online catalogue]

Croatian Journal of Philosophy Vol. XII, No. 35:In Memory of Maja Hudoletnjak Grgić (1964-2010), edited by Pavel Gregorić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2012. [link to catalogue]


“Two Types of Criticism in the Pseudo-Aristotelian De mundo“, Classical Quarterly 74/2 (2025) [forthcoming]

De mixtione XVI: On Growth” (with Peter Lautner), in Gweltaz Guyomarc’h and Frans de Haas (eds.), Studies on Alexander of Aphrodisias On Mixture and Growth (Leiden: Brill, 2023), 231-262 [link]

“Aristotle and Michael of Ephesus on the Deceptive Character of Dreams”, in C. Thomsen Thörnqvist and J. Toivanen (eds.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume Two: Dreaming (Leiden: Brill, 2022), 28-60. [pdf]

“Introduction to Volume 1: Sense Perception in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition” (with Jakob Leth Fink), in J. Toivanen (ed.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume One: Sense Perception (Leiden: Brill, 2022), 15-39 [pdf]

“Introduction to Volume 2: Sleeping and Dreaming in Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition” (with Jakob Leth Fink), in C. Thomsen Thörnqvist and J. Toivanen (eds.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume Two: Dreaming (Leiden: Brill, 2022), 1-27. [pdf]

“Introduction to Volume 3: Cognition and Conceptualization in the Aristotelian Tradition” (with Sten Ebbesen), in C. Thomsen Thörnqvist and J. Toivanen (eds.), Forms of Representation in the Aristotelian Tradition. Volume Three: Concept Formation (Leiden: Brill, 2022), 1-33. [pdf]

“Perceiving that We are Not Seeing and Hearing: Reflexive Awareness in Aristotle”, in P. Gregoric and J. Leth Fink (eds.), Encounters with Aristotelian Philosophy of Mind (London: Routledge, 2021), 119-137.

“Soul and Pneuma in De Spiritu” in S. Coughlin, D. Leith and O. Lewis (eds.), The Concept of Pneuma after Aristotle (Berlin: Topoi Editions, 2020), 17-36. [pdf]

“The Origin and the Instrument of Animal Motion – De Motu Animalium Chapters 9 and 10″, in O. Primavesi and C. Rapp (eds.), Aristotle’s De Motu Animalium. Proceedings of the XIXth Symposium Aristotelicum (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2020), 416-444.

“Croatian Renaissance Philosophy” (with Luka Boršić and Ivana Skuhala Karasman), in M. Sgarbi (ed.), Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy (Cham: Springer, 2020). [link] [pdf]

“Socrates’ Closing Words: A Note On Plato’s Apology of Socrates 41E1-42A5″, Mnemosyne 73/1 (2019), 123-131. [link]

“Aristotle’s Perceptual Optimism”, Croatian Journal of Philosophy 19/3 (2019), 543-560. [pdf]

“Aristotle’s Transparency: Comments on Katerina Ierodiakonou, ‘Aristotle and Alexander of Aphrodisias on Colour’”, in B. Bydén and F. Radovic (eds.), The Parva naturalia in Greek, Arabic and Latin Aristotelianism (Zurich: Springer, 2018), 91-98. [pdf]

“Alexander of Aphrodisias on the Common Sense”, Filozofski vestnik 38/1 (2017), 47-64; revised version in S. N. Mousavian and J. L. Fink (eds.), The Internal Senses in the Aristotelian Tradition, Studies in the History of Philosophy of Mind 22 (Zurich: Springer, 2020), 29-44 [] [pdf]

“What do Biologists Make of the Species Problem?” (with Bruno Pušić and Damjan Franjević), Acta Biotheoretica 65/3 (2017), 179-209 [online]

“Grasping Aristotle’s Intellect” (with Christian Pfeiffer), Documenti e studi sulla tradizione filosofica medievale 26 (2015), 13-31. [pdf]

“The Substance of De Spiritu” (with Orly Lewis and Martin Kuhar), Early Science and Medicine 20/2 (2015), 101-124. [pdf]

“The Context of De Spiritu” (with Orly Lewis), Early Science and Medicine 20/2 (2015), 125-149. [pdf]

“Pseudo-Aristotelian De Spiritu: A New Case Against Authenticity” (with Orly Lewis), Classical Philology 110/2 (2015), 159-167. [link] [pdf]

“Multiple Analogy in Ps.Aristotle, De mundo Ch. 6″ (with Gabor Betegh), Classical Quarterly 64/2 (2014), 574-591. [link]

Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mind“, in D. Clayman (ed.), Oxford Bibliographies in Classics (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014).

“Aristotle’s Physiology of Animal Motion: On Neura and Muscles” (with Martin Kuhar), Apeiron 47/1 (2014), 94-115. [link]

“Aristotle’s Model of Animal Motion” (with Klaus Corcilius), Phronesis 58/1 (2013), 52-97. [link]

“The First Humans in Plato’s Timaeus”, Croatian Journal of Philosophy 35 (2012), 183-198. [pdf]

“OMOΣE ΧΩΡΕΙΝ: Simplicius, Corollarium de loco 601.26″, (with Christoph Helmig), Classical Quarterly 61/2 (2011), 722-780. [link] [pdf]

“Aristotle’s ‘Common Sense’ in the Doxographic Tradition”, Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 40 (2011), 111-131.

“Separability vs Difference: Parts and Capacities of the Soul in Aristotle” (with Klaus Corcilius), Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 39 (2010), 81-119.

“Aristotle’s Notion of Experience” (with Filip Grgić ), Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 88/1 (2006), 1-30. [pdf]

“Quantities and Contraries: Aristotle’s Categories 6, 5b11-6a18″, Apeiron 39/4 (2006), 341-357. [pdf]

“Plato’s and Aristotle’s Explanation of Human Posture”, Rhizai 2/2 (2005), 183-196. [pdf]

“The Heraclitus Anecdote ( De Partibus Animalium i 5.645a16-24)”, Ancient Philosophy 21 (2001), str. 73-85. [pdf]


Gregory Kirk and Joseph Arel (eds.) Aristotle on Human Nature. The Animal with Logos. (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023), Classical Review 74/2 (2024), 415-417 [link]

Aristotle, De Motu Animalium: A New Critical Edition of the Greek Text by Oliver Primavesi, with an English translation by Ben Morison, and an Introduction by Christof Rapp and Oliver Primavesi (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2024.01.2 [link]

Andrea Falcon and Stasinos Stavrineas (eds.), Aristotle on How Animals Move: The De incessu animalium. Text, Translation, and Interpretative Essays (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021), Journal of the History of Philosophy 62/1 (2024), 151-152. [docx]

Jason W. Carter, Aristotle on Earlier Greek Psychology: The Science of the Soul (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019), International Philosophical Quarterly 61/2 (2021), 239-242. [pdf]

Anna Marmodoro, Aristotle on Perceiving ObjectsBritish Journal for the History of Philosophy 24/2 (2016), 375-377. [link]

J. C. Thom (ed.), Cosmic Order and Divine Power. Pseudo-Aristotle, “On the Cosmos”Classical Review 66/1 (2016), 68-70. [link]

Christopher Shields, Aristotle (Routledge Philosophers Series), Mind 119 (2009), 527-530. [link to pdf]

Nancy Sherman, Stoic Warriors: The Ancient Philosophy behind the Military Mind, Rhizai 4/1 (2007), 203-208 [pdf]

Richard Sorabji (ed.), Aristotle: On Memory , 2nd ed., Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.08.08. [link]

Jonathan Barnes (ed.), ‘Porphyry: Introduction ’, Rhizai 1/1 (2004), 127-132. [pdf]


“On Small and Closed Academic Environments”, University Values , May 2012. [pdf]

“Obituary for Michael Frede”, Prolegomena 7/1 (2008), 83-87. [pdf]


Autorska knjiga

Horizonti-ateizma P. Gregorić i Ž. Porobija, Horizonti ateizma: prepiska o vjeri,
znanosti i smislu života, InTri, Zagreb, 2017.

Uredničke knjige


Aristotel: Metafizika XII i Antun Medo: Tumačenje Metafizike XII, uvod, prijevod i komentar P. Gregorić i D. Ivanišević, Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, 2022.


Porfirije: Uvod (Predikabilije) i Antun Medo: Neke primjedbe o Porfirijevim Predikabilijama, uvod, prijevod i komentar P. Gregorić i D. Ivanišević, Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, 2022.


David Hume: Dijalozi o prirodnoj religiji, uvod, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2022.


Pseudo-Aristotel: O kozmosu, uvodna studija, grčki tekst, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2022.


Platon-Ksenofont: Sokratova obrana, uvodna studija, grčki tekst, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2019.


Teofrast: Metafizika, uvod, grčki tekst, prijevod i komentar P. Gregorić i F. Grgić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2011.
[link na katalog]

Epiktet-coverEpiktet: Priručnik, uvod, grčki tekst, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2006.
[link na katalog]
[prikaz (N. Zubović)]

Helenistička filozofija: Epikurovci, stoici, skeptici, ur. P. Gregorić, F. Grgić i M. Hudoletnjak Grgić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2005.
[link na katalog]
[prikaz (N. Miščević)]

Metafizika coverAristotelova Metafizika: Zbirka rasprava, ur. P. Gregorić i F. Grgić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2003. [predgovor i uvod]
[link na katalog]
[prikaz (J. Talanga)]
[review in Rhizai (B. Vezjak)]

Lukijan coverLukijan iz Samosate: Svjetonazori na dražbi, uvod, grčki tekst, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2002.[link na katalog]
[prikaz (J. Talanga)]

Poglavlja u knjizi

“Heda Šegvić”, u L. Boršič i I. Skuhala Karasman (ur.), Hrvatske filozofkinje: Čitanka, Institut za filozofiju, Zagreb, 2024, 353–368.

“Znanost i ljubav”, u A. Peti Stantić i V. Stantić (ur.), Putovanje u nepoznato: Zašto se bavim znanošću (i kako je do toga došlo)?, Ljevak, Zagreb, 2021, 22-28. [pdf]

“Ukratko o sadržaju Spinozina Teološko-političkog traktata” u Spinoza: Teološko-politički traktat, priredio Zlatko Šešelj, Latina&Graeca, Zagreb, 2020, 27-36. [pdf]

“Uvod u stoičku etiku i Epiktetov nauk”, u Epiktet: Priručnik, Zagreb, 2006, 1-39.

“Aristotelova teorija sanjanja”, u D. Barbarić (ur.), Aristotel i aristotelizam , MH, Zagreb, 2003, 55-67. [pdf] [prikaz (M. Girardi-Karšulin)]

“Uvod” (s Filipom Grgićem), u Aristotelova Metafizika: Zbirka rasprava, ur. P. Gregorić i F. Grgić, KruZak, Zagreb, 2003, 1-31. [pdf]

Prikazi i osvrti

“Heda Šegvić: Od Protagore do Aristotela: Eseji iz antičke filozofije morala (Zagreb: KruZaK, 2020)” prikaz knjige u Prilozi za istraživanje hrvatske filozofske baštine 48/1-2[95-96] (2022), 591-596.

“Metoda podjele ekliptike u antici”, Čovjek i svemir 56/3 (2014), 40. [pdf]

“Dvije kulture: prirodne i humanističke znanosti”, Priroda 103/9 (2013), 52-53. [pdf]

“Bo Göransson i Claes Brundenius (ur.): Universities in Transition: The Changing Role and Challenges for Academic Institutions“, prikaz knjige u Privredna kretanja i ekonomska politka 22/1 (2012), 101-108. [pdf]

“W. K. C. Guthrie: Povijest grčke filozofije 1: Rani predsokratovci pitagorovci“, prikaz knjige u Prolegomena 6/1 (2007), 141-148. [pdf]

“Porfirije: O Plotinovu životu i poretku njegovih spisa“, prikaz knjige u Prolegomena 4/1 (2005), 107-113. [pdf]

“Epiktet: Knjižica o moralu“, prikaz knjige u Gordogan 4-5 (2005), 227-229. [pdf]

“Giovanni Reale: Sokrat: K otkriću ljudske mudrosti“, prikaz knjige u Filozofska istraživanja 23/2 (2003), 512-514. [pdf]

“Erasmus of Rotterdam : Adages“, prikaz knjige u Gordogan 1 (2003), str. 312-313.

“Plutarh: Drevne Izreke“, prikaz knjige u Gordogan 1 (2003), str. 323.

“Thomas Nagel: Što sve to znači?“, prikaz knjige u Gordogan 1 (2003), 326-327.

“Humanizam filozofskih psina: D. Marić, Kinic i i metafizika“, prikaz knjige u Zarez 70-71 (2001), str. 51.

“Filip Grgić (ur.), Platon: Menon“, Filozofska istraživanja 19/3 (1999), 640-644. [pdf]


“Pogovor hrvatskom izdanju”, u Daniel C. Dennett, Vrste umova: k razumijevanju svijesti, In.Tri d.o.o., Zagreb, 2017, str. 151-162 [pdf]

“Pogovor hrvatskom izdanju”, u Jerry Coyne, Zašto je evolucija istinita, In.Tri d.o.o., Zagreb, 2016, str. 241-246 [pdf]

“Uz prikaz Epiktetova Priručnika“, Prolegomena 7/2 (2008), 259-262. [pdf]

“Izgubljeni komentar Aristotelovih Kategorija u ‘Arhimedovom palimpsestu'”, Prolegomena 6/1 (2007), 61-64. [pdf]

Ksenofontova Sokratova obrana, uvod, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić, u D. Pećnjak (ur.), Godišnjak za filozofiju 2005, Zagreb, 2006, 1-11. [pdf]

“Uz Zoreov osvrt ‘Imperij zdravog razuma'”, Prolegomena 4/2 (2005), 307-309. [pdf]

“Hrvatska filozofska periodika i novi Pravilnik o uvjetima za izbor u znanstvena zvanja”, Prolegomena 4/2 (2005), 279-283. [pdf]

Natuknice za Filozofski leksikon Leksikografskog zavoda “Miroslav Krleža” (filozofija uma, eliminativizam, epifenomenalizam, misterijanizam, okazionalizam, solipsizam, supervenijencija, entelehija, forma, physis , Parmenid, Sokrat, Eudokso, Alkinoj, Ptolemej, Aleksandar iz Afrodizijade, Amonije, Filopon, Gilbert Ryle, Paul Churchland, Daniel C. Dennett itd. )


Gottfried Leibniz i Samuel Clarke, Prepiska, priredio P. Gregorić (Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju, 2025)

Platon, Kriton, uvod, grčki tekst, prijevod i bilješke P. Gregorić (Zagreb: Matica hrvatska, 2025)